1 Bunch Of Fresh Organic Spinach
2 Large Fresh Carrots
6 Fresh Celery Stalks
1 Whole Lime
Serving Size 1
87 Calories Per Serving
0 Grams Of Fat
Preparation Instructions:
I would like to thank Jacob for allowing us to publish this fresh spinach juice recipe. To get started, first you will want to clean your spinach, carrots, celery, and lime under cool running tap water. Once your produce is clean, set it aside. Next take out your juice machine, and then place a container under your juice spout. Once your machine is prepped and ready to roll, turn it on and then feed all of your produce through it. Once you are done, and you have enough juice, stir the liquids around so that the flavor is uniform and consistent. This is an excellent recipe for detoxing the liver and kidneys, especially if you drink this juice for several weeks straight. With only two carrots per batch, it's also a fairly low glycemic beverage. Also another thing I really like about this juice, is the heavy celery content. Celery has lots of natural sodium and nutrients, and it has a very calming effect if it is consumed in very large quantities and quickly.